April, 2013: TORONTO, ON CANADA – After a long and arduous battle with the belligerent insurance firm who denied Lynda Morton her long term disability benefits, Share Lawyers have triumphed with a settlement that will set her comfortably for the future. Share Lawyers are a firm of Toronto insurance lawyers who specialize in personal injury, insurance dispute claims, disability claims and car accidents. Their track record for success is unrivalled and they take a sensitive, compassionate approach to cases with no fees to pay unless they win.
Lynda Morton suffered from crippling pain owed to her Fibromyalgia. She had lived and worked with the pain for years, but one day her symptoms became so bad she was forced to quit her job of 15 years as an assistant manager in a retail store. Her many symptoms included sleep disorder, chronic myofascial pain, chronic headaches and migraines, asthma, and episodic vertigo. They interfered with her social life and in the end took a heavy toll on her work life, despite her battling for 11 years with her illness.
Lynda made a claim for long term disability benefits through her employer’s insurance group and was devastated when she was turned down due to ‘insufficient medical evidence’. The insurers argued that she had no explanation from her doctors as to why, after working for years, she could suddenly no longer work. Lynda’s doctors supported her in acknowledging that her condition had deteriorated, but they were unable to diagnose a prevailing cause. As the bills and debt piled up, Lynda knew she had to do something, so she called Share Lawyers.
Share Lawyers offer free online consultations, as well as customized advice and support. They operate a no win no fee policy, meaning their clients don’t have to pay a penny unless they win. Lynda was thrilled to get the help she so desperately needed knowing that she would not have to pay anything unless her case was successful. Share Lawyers sued the insurance firm for all benefits owing and for future benefits and they agreed to a settlement.
Although Lynda had to undergo several health assessments, in the end she was granted a lump sum settlement of $120,000.00 and total peace of mind. She is now focusing on controlling her symptoms, paying her debts, and aims to work part time from home when feeling well enough. She says she owes it all to Share Lawyers, who gave her hope when it seemed all avenues were closed.
Share Lawyers have over 25 years industry experience acting as the personal injury lawyers for Toronto in disability and insurance settlements. Their founder David Share is a member of both the Ontario and the New York Bars and has been practicing law since 1985. If you or anyone you know are looking for a Hamilton based personal injury lawyer, Share Lawyers are well worth considering. You can find out more about them and read through their numerous testimonials at their website: http://www.sharelawyers.com
If you’d like more information about this topic, or to schedule an interview please call the Share Lawyers team on: 416.488.9000 or e-mail: info@sharelawyers.com. Alternatively please visit http://www.sharelawyers.com/ to find out more.